Author: Jenna Windhorst
How can one get valuable medical volunteer experience during this pandemic? Listed below are some great opportunities to take a part in that deal with the health and wellbeing of the elderly population.

Looking for a great way to volunteer remotely? How about writing to lonesome seniors? Letters Against Isolation is an organization specifically designed to do so, enabling members to interact with seniors across the globe and spread joy. It is a simple and effective way to connect with the people that need support and care the most.
How can I get involved? Simply go to their website and write in your information, asking to be a part of the huge community of members. Once you receive confirmation, you will be given an ID number associated with your membership. That way, as the weekly spreadsheet is shared out, you can immediately reserve a spot with your ID number at your preferred location. Once you have designed and crafted your letters, all you need to do is write the address provided and send away!
Writing to seniors is a sentimental and meaningful experience. As you send your letters in, you are contributing to a seniors’ wellbeing and happiness. They appreciate every letter sent, so send as many as you are able. Not only does it give you a great volunteer opportunity, but it allows you to contribute to society by showing your compassion and empathy. It is important that collectively, as a society, we assist the ones that need joy and happiness the most. No matter how young or how old, anyone can be a part of this incredible experience.
Going even farther than sending letters, CHD’s Living Homes offers the chance for people around the globe to adopt their very own senior. CHD aims at “creating long-lasting intergenerational friendships” through their program. From video calls to sending photos and letters/emails, there are numerous ways to connect with your senior pal.
Through CHD’s Adopt a Senior Program, you will be assigned a senior from one of the care homes in the U.K. You provide your information, including some interests of yours so that you can be paired with a senior of similar interests as yours. Even if you don’t live in the U.K, the great thing is that anyone can be a part of this experience virtually.
Since you will be able to see your senior and get to know them on a personal level, this experience is especially important for brightening up a senior’s day. Not only that, but these seniors will have an easier time getting through this pandemic knowing they have a friend to talk and share stories with. It is also so uplifting to know you’ve created a positive and loving space for them, as you will take this transformative experience with you through your life. So what are you waiting for? Adopt a senior!
Final Thoughts
Taking part in the support of the lonesome elderly population is especially important during this time. Along with writing letters and adopting a senior, you can also reach out to any nearby nursing homes or any older people that may need assistance with certain tasks. You can ask to send coloring books, puzzles, games, etc. to nursing home residents, as they will be appreciative of your consideration and support. Or you could go grocery shopping for your elderly neighbor to lower the anxiety they may have over catching Covid. Any bit of support for our elderly population is beneficial and impactful. It does not take long to accomplish any of these, plus it will leave them with immense gratitude and a smile on their face.
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